This is less effort than [KK] members usually put forth. And that's really saying something.
This is less effort than [KK] members usually put forth. And that's really saying something.
Simply because I dont have to try as hard.
Nice animating
It could have done without the guy getting all serious about his rights (who I guess was you). The animation was funny before and after that point.
Airlines do have the right to deny service to someone. MacDonald's has that right too.
Good animating
I get the conspiracy theory message, but I think it's an overblown idea--like almost all conspiracy theories. Realistically, most governments of other countries don't like each other (some even hate each other) and wouldn't compromise their country's sovereignty for anything.
Just telling people to "Wake up!" is kinda vague. And I don't know what you mean by "educate ourselves." I'm in college going for a bachelors in computer science. Does that count?
Anyway, you animate really well. It was enjoyable to watch and made me feel all philosophical.
Pretty good
I was hoping for a bit more irony. Maybe that comes later.
It was really funny.
Good intro
But there are only 2 daily toons. One's a short, pixelated, looping dance party that kept my attention for 2 seconds and the other is a slide show with some kid's face pasted on different bodies.
Will you post anything no matter how bad it is?
Wait.... Star Syndicate.... [SS].... OMG....
Your lip sync is good, but the way you make the character act needs a bit refining. It's good enough to animate with, but if you want to make it better....
It really doesn't look like he's pointing at the ship, unless it wraps around in front of him or the end that's off-screen is just absolutely huge. It doesn't look like he's pointing at anything, really. If he's pointing at the ship, his hand should sweep into the distance. If he's wagging his finger at the person in front of him--which would be equally as effective--he should point lower, like chest-level (unless the person he's talking to is really tall). If he's just gesturing to make his point, he should raise his finger when he says "perfect" or whatever word he wants to emphasize the most.
I don't know if you wasn't to give him such a terrible poker-face and totally transparent body language, but maybe that's in the character's... character. In case it's not, you shouldn't emphasize his every movement so much.
His ear should flip when he's lying, but you overemphasize the movement by making his ear flip too much and by making him look to to the side when he's pausing. I think it'd work better if he remains looking forward and his ear doesn't fall back so much. The pause with a bit of ear twitch is just enough to indicate that he doesn't quite believe his own words but he's pressing forward anyway.
His tail looks kind of mechanical. It only wags at the end. Not that he should wag his tail more, but his tail is a part of him and should be as expressive as his arms as he talks. He should whip it a bit behind him once or twice to show his agitation. It should at least move a bit so it's not so rigid behind him as he talks.
Personally, I don't think making him smile at the end is necessary, but that just depends on the character's disposition. It looks like he's saying, "I'm innocent in all this." If you're intending that the person he's speaking to is suddenly giving him the "really angry face," he should cringe a bit and take a step back--which may look more natural.
Even though he's the only character on the screen, you should keep in mind what the person he's speaking to is doing and how he/she is reacting.
I hope that's helpful.
And please, don't loop the animation. Add a start button from now on. I'm tired of telling authors that looping is annoying.
Yeah, there are certainly a few drawbacks to this style of cut-out animation; one of which is that a lot of the character's actions can appear very wooden. It's all a case of how much time you're willing to spend making extra 'parts' for each individual character.
Scifer does have a bit of a poker-face at the moment, but that's only because of his permanently knotted brow. xD I didn't think it would be so noticable as all the shots he will be appearing in, in the final animation are mid-distance shots, where the characters are both surrounded by a lot of detail.
Still, thanks for the crit. I've taken it all onboard. Cheers!
Interesting effect
It's not bad. I really like the effect. Good ambient music too. But there's not enough going on. It's just a good effect on a still image. Applying it to an animation would have been better.
University of North Texas
Denton, TX, USA
Joined on 5/20/10